在討論文學裡「人的二元性」這個主題時,聖琪提到了英國的浪漫主義詩人/版畫家威廉‧布雷克(William Blake, 1757-1827)。布雷克的《純真與經驗之歌》(Songs of Innocence and Experience)詩集裡,有許多呈現天真與世故對比之詩組,其中最著名的是「羔羊」("The Lamb")及「老虎」("The Tyger")這兩首詩。前者從孩童的視角描繪了一個造物者與萬物和平相處、自給自足的純真世界,有點像人類尚未因偷食「知識樹果子」而被逐出的伊甸園。在孩童的眼裡,小孩、羔羊與耶穌本為一體沒有區別。透過「老虎」布雷克則提醒我們,創造溫柔羔羊的神秘力量也創造了兇猛殘暴的老虎,亦即所有物種都反應了現實世界中純真與邪惡、光明與黑暗的共存。
之後在《天堂與地獄的結合》(The Marriage of Heaven and Hell)詩集及其晚期一系列預言式長詩裡,布雷克也不斷地以象徵符號的神話形式,來描述人類存在的命運便是在熱情與理性之間永無休止的衝突及調和。布雷克始終強調人們應賦予靈感及想象崇高的地位,並藉由充滿創造力的藝術活動,來重建理性與激情、精神與感官、人類與自然之間的平衡及和諧。
「羔羊」("The Lamb") 版畫
Little Lamb who made thee 小羔羊,誰創造了你?
Dost thou know who made thee 你可知誰創造了你?
Gave thee life & bid thee feed. 賜你生命,讓你溫飽
By the stream & o’er the mead; 在溪河旁,青草地那邊;
Gave thee clothing of delight, 贈你喜悅的衣裳,
Softest clothing wooly bright; 那衣裳無比柔軟,毛茸茸的,明亮耀眼;
Gave thee such a tender voice, 再賜予你如此溫柔的嗓音,
Making all the vales rejoice! 讓整山谷都歡欣雀躍?
Little Lamb who made thee 小羔羊,誰創造了你?
Dost thou know who made thee 你可知誰創造了你?
Little Lamb I’ll tell thee, 小羔羊,我來告訴你,
Little Lamb I’ll tell thee! 小羔羊,我來告訴你,
He is called by thy name, 祂的名字跟你一樣,
For he calls himself a Lamb: 祂管自己叫羔羊。
He is meek & he is mild, 祂又溫柔,又和藹;
He became a little child: /祂變成一個小孩,(耶穌也常被稱為人子)
I a child & thou a lamb, 我是小孩,你是羔羊,
We are called by his name. 咱們名字跟祂一樣。
Little Lamb God bless thee. 小羔羊,上帝祝福你!
Little Lamb God bless thee.小羔羊,上帝祝福你!
「老虎」("The Tyger") 版畫
Tyger Tyger, burning bright, 老虎!老虎!你金色的輝煌,
In the forests of the night; 火似地照亮黑夜的林莽,
What immortal hand or eye, 是什麼樣超凡的手和眼睛
Could frame thy fearful symmetry? 能塑造出你這可怕的勻稱?
In what distant deeps or skies. 在什麼樣遙遠的深淵或天空,
Burnt the fire of thine eyes? 燒出冶煉你眼睛的火種?
On what wings dare he aspire? 憑什麼樣的翅膀他膽敢高翔?
What the hand, dare seize the fire? 敢於攫火的是什麼樣手掌?
And what shoulder, & what art, 是什麼樣的技巧,什麼樣肩頭,
Could twist the sinews of thy heart? 能扭成你心臟的肌肉?
And when thy heart began to beat, 當你的心開始跳動,
What dread hand? & what dread feet? 那創造者擁有如何悚人的手腳?
What the hammer? what the chain, 用什麼樣的鐵鏈?什麼樣的鐵鎚?
In what furnace was thy brain? 什麼樣的熔爐煉鍛出你的腦髓?
What the anvil? what dread grasp, 什麼樣的鐵砧?什麼樣的握力?
Dare its deadly terrors clasp! 敢捏牢這些可怕的東西?
When the stars threw down their spears 當群星投下它們的茅槍,
And water’d heaven with their tears: 用它們的眼淚潤濕了穹蒼,
Did he smile his work to see? 祂是否微笑著欣賞祂的作品?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee? 祂創造了羔羊,也創造了你?
Tyger Tyger burning bright, 老虎!老虎!你金色的輝煌,
In the forests of the night: 火似地照亮黑夜的林莽,
What immortal hand or eye, 什麼樣超凡的手和眼睛
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry? 敢塑造出你這可怕的勻稱?